Jimmy Savile's epiteth should read:
"Prolific sexual predator and molester of young girls, who slithered his way like a slimy green mamba snake, camouflaging through hierarchy for decades going unnoticed; abusing hordes of vulnerable budding teenagers."
Image:Organizedrage.com |
The catalogue of abuse cases against this once revered figure of the entertainment world is revolting and stomach churning. Each day over the last few weeks brought fresh cathartic revelations of Savile's despicable past. The rotten worm who gnawed away "invisibly" at the core, destroying the lives of so many young girls who were unfortunate to have met his hellish acquaintance.
The careless recklessness with which he abused his victims with relative ease, showed a demonic figure who thought (and perhaps rightly so) that he was above the law.
How could such a dark satanic character, known to have sexually molested a brain damaged girl, gone unnoticed for the two decades he worked at the BBC?
Savile's undiagnosed paedophilia together with his horrendous acts of sexual violation and harassment, have received nationwide condemnation.
However, thousands of women remain daily victims of sexual harassment in the UK.
Over 40 per cent of women living in London have publicly suffered sexual harrassment
The Employment Equality (Sex Discrimination) Regulations 2005 amend the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 to provide that a person subjects a woman to harassment, including sexual harassment, if:
“(a) on the ground of her sex, he engages in unwanted conduct that has the purpose or effect –
(i) of violating her dignity, or
(ii) of creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for her,
(b) he engages in any form of unwanted verbal, non-verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that has the purpose or effect—
This weekend I was sexually harassed by a disabled man in a wheelchair, on two separate occasions.
Walking across the shopping center, the said man manoeuvred his electric wheelchair purposely towards my direction, smiling in a suggestive leering manner as he offered lewd sexual comments.
Ignoring him, I moved swiftly away to the safety of a nearby Super Drug.
Undeterred he waited for me outside, once more blocking my path as I exited the shop; this time making unwelcoming expletive comments about my physique.
Clearly infuriated at this point, I proceeded to address him in a language more colourful than the rainbow. My stalker retorted with instant vitriolic comments flowing from his orifice faster than he wheeled his electric chair.
At this point, we had attracted attention as people stopped to witness the evil woman attack a disadvantaged man in a wheelchair. The poor paraplegic bastard.
"Do you realise you are sexually harassing me!", I shouted.
And that did the trick on this prick.
He quickly wheeled himself away in embarrassment, meandering through the throng of people who had gathered, no doubt in search for his next victim.
I have been sexually(verbally) harassed more times than I can remember...sometimes physically too.
Sexual innuendos and inferences to my physique have plagued me since my teenage years. From teachers to work colleagues. Most times I laughed it off, albeit nervously; inside,I cringed from embarrassment.
But I have decided to tackle sexual predators who cross my path with these powerful words:
"Do you realise you are sexually harassing me?."
Say it LOUD. Say it slowly. Most importantly, report any incident to the police immediately.
I didn't lodge a complain with the police. My family especially my sister, were quite angry and have urged me to report it.
" Imagine if it was the other way round!", fumed my sister.
After all, there can't be many lascivious lechers in a wheelchair parading the shops of Slough.