Friday, 5 October 2012

By hook or by crook, Hamza to leave UK soil with no further delay

Hooray! The US tax payers can now relief UK tax payers off this venomous parasite Abu Hamza. We had simply had it with Hamza and his team of lawyers using "breach of human rights" at every single opportunity to halt, slow and block the radical cleric's extradition process to the US.

It has taken between eight and 14 years with a million pounds bill footed by the public purse string; as Hamza exploited the law to stay in a country he once described as a 'toilet'. The sole purpose of a toilet is to flush out waste matter so in this instance, it is wholly appropriate the Great British Toilet flushed such trash unfit for re-cycling.

There needs to be an immediate reviewal of the extradition process to prevent such further misuse of the system by dangerous criminals. The words "Human Rights" have been courted by hateful extremists who use it as a platform to avoid the long arm of the law. 

'It is unacceptable that extradition proceedings should take more than a relatively short time, to be measured in months not years.It is also in the interest of justice that those accused of very serious crimes, as each of these claimants is in these proceedings, are tried as quickly as possible.' (Sir John Thomas -High Court of Justice, October 2012).

Why fight so hard to stay in a country which bears the brunt of condemnation in your speeches and 'holy teachings'? Surely it would be better to have resided in a country which welcomes and shares your vitriol of the West? There you would have lived together in harmonious blissful denunciation and hate of your mutual enemies: Britain and America.

The pro Hamza demonstrators gathered today at the High Court today are equally as guilty as this varmint hate figure. They should have been rounded up by the police for immediate interrogation and put under surveillance. The right to free speech ends the minute it glorifies and spreads hate. Any found to be listening or vaguely in support of it, should be watched closely like a hawk by the anti terrorist squad.

Section 3 of the Counter-Terrorism Act 2008 makes it illegal to be a member of a group engage in promoting terrorism. Hamza's teachings promoted terrorism;  therefore his followers are supporters who uphold his views and really they breach this law. Why have they not been arrested?

Little drops make an ocean. Hamza et al may be off UK soil any minute from now yet the seeds of hate he sowed may have already borne fruits.

The former Soho night club bouncer who came to the UK aged 21 from Egypt because "The West was a paradise where you could do anything you wanted."

1 comment:

  1. This country is a joke for it chooses to apply the law to whoever it wants to and when. The legal system is a farce and criminals are aware to this and are exploiting it to the maximum. The system of this once great country is barely functioning and we all know this, somehow we have still decided to "settle here". Hopefully not for long because when things start picking up we will be moving back to where we came from, but for now the majority of us are staying put. JF
