Saturday, 29 September 2012

Kate Middleton is just as common as the rest of us.

Who changes their bikini bottoms outside their home except us common as muck commoners with no sense of decency or modesty?  A characteristic one will mostly attribute to the Great British Chav (GBC) found lurking around council estates up and down the country. Alack no! It turns out the future Queen of England may have some inbred chavastic traits as pictures have surfaced of Kate Middleton  changing her bikini bottoms whilst sun bathing in France.

Danish magazine Se Og Hor is running  a dedicated 16page special of  darling Kate doing the unthinkable commoner act while being watched on adoringly by her dear husband Prince William. The "blue blooded" couple were of course completely unaware they were in the company of a powerful camera lens half a mile away.

What on earth was going through ones mind as she tastefully changed her bottoms on their holiday home balcony? The thought of servants or tax payer security guards wandering in on them no doubt ever crossed ones mind.

Given the reverence most UK media outlets hold for the Royals and most importantly with the Leveson enquiry still hanging like a nimbus cloud over most tabloids; the press have gone incognito over printing these pictures using the guise "invasion of privacy". Since when was that a concern for tabloids who literally feed off individuals' invasion of privacy? It will be interesting to see the implications Lord Justice Leveson's recommendation will have over tabloids.
However as this is the age of the internet revolution, all anyone has to do is use today's modern point of reference and information: Google- and presto! Pictures of our future Queen in all her almost naked glory is viewable to all uncensored.

The untouchable image which the Queen and the Royal family fought to preserve over many centuries and generation has irreversible broken down over the last decade. 
Embarrassing pictures from this year of naked revelation for the royals stamped indelibly in cyber space for eternity, will ensure today's generation and that to come many centuries from now do not forget how  common and just like us the Royals are.

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