Summers usually spell weeks of binge drinking and rampant coitus activities for the average UK youth. It sees chavs and their chavlets descend on the High Street like a swarm of bees in tight mini shorts exposing rolls of fat and cellulite ridden bodies. Young men hang around exposing upper body torso covered in ghoulish tattoos and heavy cheap jewellery hanging from their necks like prized bulls at the annual farmer's market.
Round every corner we are reminded of the fact that Britain is Europe's leading economy in the teenage baby boom as we come across rows upon rows of buggies, push chairs, prams, etc steered by teens who have never done a days work but rely heavily on the handout of tax payers like myself; who work 60hours a week. Even HRH Prince Harry seems to champion this trend of careless frolicking as pictures emerge of the naked Prince in a Las Vegas hotel.
The storyline is entirely different in Allar, a small Palestinian town where youths have taken over the running of local government in a summer scheme to boost youth empowerment. In comes 15 year old Bashaer Othman, the town's youngest Mayor of 9,000 residents. Othman has also made history by becoming Allar's first ever female Mayor and hopes her position albeit temporal, will serve to empower other young girls and women.
In her role as Mayor, Othman has represented the town in a trip to Qatar,created the town's first public park and chaired votes in setting up a fire department. Whilst Othman has no control over financial affairs, adults are always close by acting as a guide and guard to the youngster.
The ambitious teen hopes to later forge a career in the political field after completing university. Now compare this with the picture below of HRH Prince Harry on a private holiday with tax payers funded security, baring all in a Las Vegas suit.
Prince Harry bares all, a fine export of the UK culture |
What an achievement!