Thursday, 10 November 2016

Intelligent people are full of doubts and stupid ones brimming with confidence

Watching this shrewd businessman man talking today with President Obama who he called "a very good man" and one whom he "looks forward to working with many, many, more times in the future;" he had a re-conciliatory tone, was subdued (albeit extremely burnt orange) less arrogant and almost looked the part for the role of POTUS.

What a far cry from his clownish personae the world has become accustom to.

This cunning salesman utilised  five successful sales strategy which saw him triumph in the latest US presidential elections.  

Define your target market: The ever growing fascist disillusioned masses who blame immigrants(for these lot an immigrant constitutes a non-Caucasian or Muslim) and Islam for the appalling state of the current economy.Tell them what they want to hear as you sell your products (using vitriolic words on your campaign to appeal to the three main issues at the heart of disenchanted Americans: immigration,national security and unemployment). Trump this up gathering momentum like an out of control,angry feral animal caught in a cage.

Determine your outreach: The increasing disgruntled white working class populous with fascist ideologies selling auditory pleasing right wing doctrine to consumers ( the voters)  who buy it ( coming out in their throngs to vote for this salesman) and eventually catapulting him to victory. Clinton won the popular vote.

Know your questions: The Achilles' heel of those he appealed to is every right wing's dream utopia of extremism, Nazism, racism,white supremacy and intolerance of certain ethnicities, cultures and religion. He pounced on this during his campaign -  blood thirsty baring all fangs out - denouncing minorities and Muslims much to the pulsating fascist delight of his thronging and growing number of supporters with KKK affiliations.

Deliver and build:  The entire campaign ran on a  barrage of insults punctuated  by volatile outburst, erratic tweets, hinting at an assassination of his rival, allegations of  misogyny, sexism and sexual abuse.  They did deliver him victory in the elections while creating a massive divide which has seen a series of unrest and protest across America with more planned over the weekend.

Monitor: What worked? What didn't? Evaluating what worked establishing new goals and plans. With just 70 days left until he enters the White House, a statement which banned the admittance of Muslims into the US was removed from his website along with his inflammatory policies which characterised his campaigns. However at the time of writing this piece, they were back up on the site with a spokesperson stating the site had been "temporarily redirecting all press releases to the home page."

The next four years will determine how successful his sales pitch and strategy was.

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

I am not sorry I wasn't faithful...

Farewell! Adieu! We will never meet again!

A letter to B, as I lay B to rest never to be ressurected:

Dear B,

You've faithfully stood by me the past 30 months exuding diligent support particularly in my endless hours of gluttony fest.

We've been glued like metal in a hip femur replacement (literally) as you accompanied me assiduously on all my ventures, trips and escapades around the world. We have been inseparable through all the highs and lows of my earthly theatricals.

Sadly there were one or two instances where my recklessness saw you require emergency treatments for fractures. Thankfully the Doctors and nurses were ever so helpful as they attended to you swiftly mending your broken bits.

B, may I also add that you brought me great embarrassment and angst as I was often the recipient of queer looks  and intense scrutiny from complete strangers each time we were together? No doubt you were oblivious to my consternations as I hid them pretty well from the rude glares of the world.

B you've been dutiful and loyal whereas I haven't. The temptations were well... temptingly tempting and I was tempted; which led to my unfaithfulness and consequently you requiring emergency treatment as I did not take necessary precautions.

But I am not sorry I wasn't faithful given your stringent ultimatum for our time together:

You required I visited the clinic every six weeks for the last 2.5 years for checkups and that I treated you with the attentive care type adulation meted to vulnerable new borns. This included washing you twice a day in addition to after every meal.

You required I fed you an extremely soft diet which was best suited for the palates of a toothless individual. This was mere torture for one who routinely chewed chicken and meat bones as a crunchy past time delight.

B, you were hardwork  and I believe your unrealistic expectations of our arrangement caused  me to falter.

Alack! I sometimes failed! However you stood by me like a diligent puppy and for that I say THANK YOU!

But the time has come for me to say goodbye as you breathe your last for tomorrow early morn we must part  never to see again.

Your controlled demise has been planned and we must go together as always, so I can kiss you goodbye and finally be free from you, so that he too, can kiss me with no restrictions from you B.

Thank you for aesthetically improving my SMILE and aligning my teeth dear Braces, but tomorrow morning you must exit my orifice to your death - the orthodontic's clinical  waste bin.

I can then begin to look slightly more human in my quest for visual perfection.

Goodbye B!



Saturday, 9 April 2016

Blog Revival: Menstruation, Masturbation and God

I am back after a rather long undocumented hiatus in blogosphere due to a writer's induce coma which I have now successfully recovered from. Thankfully this didn't rid off my acerbic tongue therefore witty cynicism and sarcasm still remain recurrent themes throughout this blog; so if these are usually lost on you-  offence is guaranteed.

A coffee morning chit-chat on God

"I mean do your parents believe in God?"He asks. 

"Well show me any African who doesn't!" Came my sharp response.
"We are the undisputed gatekeepers of Heaven though not equally represented within the heavenly host of Angels and communion of Saints." We both burst into a deep and short rich laugh and just as I am secretly gloating for delivering such a witty response, he looks me straight in the face with a twinkle in his almond eyes and quips:
"I am sure God is drawing up a bill to rectify that as we speak."

Menstruation and Masturbation

The sensitivity of a woman's middle finger is reduced during menstruation but the inclination to use it more increases. (Source: BBC Radio4)