Friday, 25 May 2012

Black British athletes "too fat" for London Olympics 2012

World Number 2 Heptathlete Jessica Ennis has been described by officials within UK Athletics as being "too fat". The Telegraph reports Ennis's coach Toni Michiello, claims leading atletic officials made disparaging remarks dismissing Ennis as "She's fat and she's got too much weight".

Image: LDN Fashion
Criticising the derogatory comments citing them as mere "background noise" and "distractions" to the 26 year old black British athleteMinichiello showed support for Ennis insisting he had never had any problem with her weight or shape, only wishing at times Ennis were taller.

Ennis on cover of Marie Claire

2010 Gold Medallist winner and Ennis's team mate Louise Hazel weighed into the debate bout Ennis's weight lambasting the comments as "a disgrace", revealing her weight had also been a subject of discussion by high ranking sports authorities.
"I have experienced it first hand, also from people within the organisation that was supposed to be supporting us and I just think to a certain extent it is very disgraceful.People in positions of authority need to choose their words very carefully when they are bringing up a subject like that".

Black British Heptathlete Louise Hazel claims to have also been criticised for being "fat"

Black British athlete Louise Hazel has also been labelled "too fat" by UK Athletics.

26 year old Hazel has voiced concerns about what message such damaging comments sends out to young girls and upcoming athletes.
“Some people think that you have to look like you are completely emaciated to actually be in physical shape and that’s not the truth.”

Ennis has not let the controversy get into her way of training or ambition. This weekend sees Ennis in Gotzis battle it out for gold in her first heptathlon of the year. As written on her website, "Jessica as good as gold".

If this is what being "too fat" is, the rest of the UK are no doubt morbidly obese.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Zuma's Genitals

South Africa
Jacob Zuma's genitals on art display in Johannesburg museum before it was defaced by two men on Tuesday. The 6"1 painting aptly entitled The Spear  by artist Brett Murray during his 'Hail to the Thief II exhibition'  has been condemned by South Africa as racist.  After unsuccessfully attempts to have The Goodman gallery take down the painting, yesterday saw Zuma present his case to the courts. 

The South African president known for his goatish concupiscent lifestyle,  back in 2005 notoriously defended having unprotected sex with a HIV/AIDS infected woman by taking a shower  to protect against the deadly STD. According to The Guardian, in presenting his case to the courts, he wrote: 
"The portrait depicts me in a manner that suggests that I am a philanderer, a womaniser and one with no respect" 
I think this zany African just gave the reason for this exhibition! Surely South Africa can't fail to see the subtle message in this? His genitals on display as a painting represents his sexual tomfoolery continuously on display to all. His never ending love conquests & reckless attitude towards sex in a nation besieged by HIV/AIDS is pure mockery to the fight against the disease. The painting on display should jolt some self consciousness to this shameless man with an unhealthy sexual appetite.

The Spear exposes this pillock for what he truly is. The only problem I see is that the artist Murray may have been too generous in giving Zuma's genitals a perhaps larger than life size

Saturday, 19 May 2012

African Ostrich attends Queen Diamond Jubilee Lunch

Image Credits:DailyMail

Yesterday saw royals from around the globe gather at Windsor Castle for a celebratory three course lunch in honour of Her Majesty's forthcoming Diamond Jubilee. Kings,Queens, Emperors, Empresses,Dukes, Duchesses, etc turned out in their best stately outfit to befit such a royal occasion. 

Alas! Not all were to stick to royal protocol. Here we have Queen Inkhosikati LaMbikiza, third wife to King Mswati III of Swaziland; dressed like an over size ostrich. Her feathered pumps would've been better suited in the boudoir of a Madame du Jour or a burlesque dancing troupe, whilst the sequinned adorning it rendered her whole look chips-cheap and blue-tac-tacky. Her ensuing gladiator shades were a total mismatch with the whole outfit. Perhaps to provide her eyes shade from her flashy jewelled shoes. 

We all know Africans are inherently magpies. How can any take us serious when we continue to present ourselves as such? Nouveau Riche with no class or bearing. Shame on you Queen Inkhosikati.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Broken Brooks...

What text shall Cameron send this time to his dear broken friend, Brook? Definitely not a LOL issue!. Here we see Brooks floating down the river to where The Sun don't shine.

The original picture is of course Millais' painting of Ophelia

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Obama exposed...back in 2004 he opposed gay marriage


BBC Radio reported six out of every ten donors to his political party are wealthy gay donors. Thus needles to say, Obama felt the need to hurriedly bend over and appease the needs of these rich people...just in time for presidential elections six months away.
To watch the above video and see Obama change his stance quicker than Victoria Beckham sheds weight, click here.
Meanwhile, here are excerpts from some of  his famous speeches over the years.
  • 1st October 2004: I  believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. 
  • 24th July 2007: We got to make sure that everybody is equal under the law.The civil unions that I propose would be equivalent in terms of making sure that all the rights that are conferred by the state are equal for same sex couples as well as for heterosexual couples. Now with respect to marriage it's my belief that it's up to the individual denomination as to make a decision as to whether they wanna recognise marriage or not
  • 1st March 2008: With regards to gay marriage, I do not support gay marriage but I support a very strong version of unions. 
  • 16th August 2008: I believe that marriage is between a man and a union. I am not somebody who promotes same sex marriage, but I do believe in civil unions. 
  • 23rd June 2011:Nobody should have to produce a legal contract to  hold the hands of the person that they love. 
  • 9th May 2012: I think same sex couples should be allowed to get married.